Challenge ~ Throw a Dice for Memories of a character in a book



When Dot in ‘MISSING Past and Present’ threw a dice, she remembered scenes in her life as if they were pages in her own book. Her back story.

AUTHORS ~ Think of a character in your book, or one of your novels that you are proud of.

READERS ~ Think of a character in a novel you really enjoyed recently.

If a throw of a SIX represents the best day or ‘happening’ in your chosen character’s life and a ONE the worst, can you write down memories from ONE TO SIX.

The challenge is to choose moments in their lives which intrigue a reader into wanting to know more, without giving the whole plot away.

I’m going to begin. Just to give you an idea I am going to chose Jamal. ~an important character in my novel but not the protagonist.

A short character description ~ Jamal is a Syrian refugee who has been living in the UK for over two years. He is intelligent, thoughtful and is a hard worker.

ONE ~  Jamal remembers the moment he lost both his parents in the war back home.

TWO ~ His feelings when arriving in England were bewildering. The only person he had to cling to, who gave him any thoughts of normality was his older brother Ahmed.

THREE ~ Working at his friend Brian’s Dad’s business.

FOUR ~ Learning to speak English at Mrs G’s (Dot’s) kitchen table

FIVE ~ Jamal found Dot.

SIX ~ Jamal fell in love.

If you are an AUTHOR and have a blog then post:

  • your character’s six memories
  • a short description of the character
  • the name of your novel
  • a book cover.

If you are a READER then send them to me and I’ll post them on my blog.

You can do this through my contact page,

email or tell me @Riduna on Twitter

or on my Facebook Page

I will re-post the ones I like best….

It would be great to have a Blog Hop of DICE MEMORIES!

Let me know if you’d like to join and I’ll arrange it.


Filed under Book reading, Marketing your novel, MISSING Past and Present, Mystery inspired by history series, Social Media Networking, Writing a novel

11 responses to “Challenge ~ Throw a Dice for Memories of a character in a book

  1. Reblogged this on Indie Book Banter and commented:
    This sounds like fun check it out over on Diana’s blog post. She gives a great introduction to one of the main characters in her novel ‘Missing Past and Present’

  2. Pingback: What do successful indie authors say about achieving success? | Diana Jackson's Muse, Views and Reviews

  3. This sounds interesting, and I’d like to use it to promote my upcoming book (plus have fun!), but it’s hard to imagine how to do it without spoilers.

    • Hi Jennifer. Happy to put up a post for you. If you drop me an email answering the dice challenge about one of your characters ~ I didn’t chose my main character although Jamal is quite interesting. My answers are vague enough not to give the plot away too. Pop in a couple of photos and links and I’ll post it for you. If you are concerned about spoilers then you could always write on one of them eg 6 You’ll just have to read the book and find out! Look forward to hearing from you.

  4. P.S. Jamal sounds like quite a catch.

    • I’m very fond of him! I have been told that a lot of my characters are too nice. I don’t think they are, but Jamal acts like the son to Dot that she never had. (better than a son in some ways) Very special. We are so imaginative as writers. I don’t know about you but my characters are a real (although imaginary) part of my life. 🙂

  5. Pingback: Light Bulb Moment of inspiration ~ Just a Sentence ~ then a Story Plan | Diana Jackson's Muse, Views and Reviews

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